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One thing that sets OCA apart from other schools is how 3rd Grade-Middle School students culminate literature discussions each quarter through what OCA has now coined, "Literature Celebrations!" Students  plan the activities, decor, and even feasts themselves!


Scroll through the photos to enjoy samples of the rich Literature Celebrations students have enjoyed in the past! 


  • Upper Elementary students celebrated their Literature discussion of "Little Women" by planning a quaint tea party at their teacher's home complete with scones, cucumber sandwiches, and delicious desserts! 

  • After reading "Animal Farm" Middle School students were tasked with forming their own school government! They modeled it after the Roman Consulate! 

  • To culminate their novel, "Wheel on the School" 3rd Year students chose a character to dress up like and brought props to present character sketches to their class.

  • After reading selected chapters from Genesis, as well as Greek myths, Middle School students stepped back into ancient times. At their Greek feast (complete with kabobs, hummus, and even goblets) they shared their own created stories packed full of ancient archetypes, themes, and symbols!

  • In true C.S. Lewis style, Upper Elementary students planned a day in the woods complete with archery lessons, sword fighting, and ended the festivities watching the movie "Voyage of the Dawn Treader" together to compare and contrast the movie and the book!

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